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Nicole Cruz - Super Busy Mommy Coach - Page 2

Author: Nicole Cruz

No pain, no gain???

If you experience any of the following, you are probably pushing too hard or not recovering properly which will Reduce YOUR RESULTS! Here are Some guidelines for healthy individuals.


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The Weight Control Factor Even More Important Than Diet

No, it’s not exercise or genetics. Those are less important for most people when only weight control is considered. When you see my answer you might want to stop reading, but hear me out.


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Stop Feeling Guilty About Your Thoughts And Feelings

We all have embarrassing thoughts and feelings sometimes, ones that moral, rational people supposedly shouldn’t have. The challenge is to deal with them in a healthy way.


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YOU DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. But if you did believe you could do it, what would you do? It-is that thing you fantasize about and the technically possible but feels impossible.


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Insecure Parenting Moments

Super Busy Mommy Coach Insecure Parenting Moments Last night I had one of those extremely insecure parenting moments….


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How to get a Quick Turnaround

It’s weird having your personal life on blast, but it’s part of the work I do. A Lot of you know how much my situation has changed in the past few years. So, here is how to get a Quick Turnaround


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Self Care can be HARSH

Self care means treating yourself like the valuable human that you are, and treating your health, goals, feelings, and desires as important. Sometimes those come into conflict with each other.


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Uses For Coconut Oil

Uses for coconut oil as Cooking Substitute butter in baking,. Also, a hair treatment generously to dry hair.


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Lifestyle Tips

This is a cheat sheet of high-leverage and up-to-date lifestyle advice. Some of these tips are basic and may be familiar. Others might be new and need to be learned.


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Is Gluten Free Healthier?

It depends. It is estimated that 1% of the US population has Celiac disease, a severe allergy in which the protein in wheat destroys their intestines, though many are misdiagnosed.  For these people gluten-free is not only healthier, but the only way to avoid miserable health problems.


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Are you setting yourself up to thrive as a single parent?
When you take the quiz, you'll get our FREE report based on your answers and that include: - Your key areas to work on. -Quick suggestions to improve each area.